Healing is an important part of Christian Science.

Twice a month we hold a testimony meeting where members share healing experiences.

Testimonies by Scarborough Society church members and friends.

The prevention and healing of the common cold through Christian Science does not seem like something spectacular. That is what I thought but I learnt something different. So I want to tell you of a healing I had last week(August 2014)of a common cold.  All the usual symptoms came along to try and impress me. This is what happened.

I had to pray conscientiously the prayer of affirmation and denial. This took work and it was a down on your knees experience. This passage from Science and Health was inspiring – ‘When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea.’ Page 495 line 14

I recalled other healings when I had stayed with this statement, clinging steadfastly to God and His idea and allowing only His likeness in thought.

You have to stand porter at the door of thought and detect the suggestions of sickness, correct them and then replace them, and this is prayerful mental work.

Other ideas that were helpful in prayer were these –

In God we live and move and have our being. We do not live and move and have our being in a mortal body. We do not live in flesh, bones, blood, brains etc. we live in the Kingdom of Heaven. I cannot get out of the kingdom and no sickness can get in. There can be no sickness or common belief of sickness in the Kingdom of Heaven. If there was ever a cold or sickness in heaven then it would not be heaven anymore. Jesus taught that the Kingdom is at hand, is here right now. So I stayed with the prayer of affirmation and denial whenever I detected a nasty suggestion trying to be part of consciousness. The carnal mind tried to have a go for four days on and off but I was able to cling to God and His idea for four days and five minutes more. Five minutes more is all it takes to win.
Then I got to the point when I knew with my whole heart that God is an everpresent help in trouble. I knew that I would always be helped as I had always been cared for, helped, loved and guided. I knew that in the kingdom, the universe of love, everyone is helped. And that was it. End of the threat and the end of the bullying. The claims of the carnal mind had been cast out.

I am grateful for this proof of the truth and for the metaphysical system of prayer that is given to us through study and practise of Christian Science. and also for these additional insights:

The healing of the common cold is vital because as far as I know medicine and materia medica cannot offer a complete cure and in no way has put a stop to it.

The common cold is a basic common belief that sickness is a part of reality. It has to be expected and tolerated and you just have put up with it- it passes. It is the common belief that reality cannot be all good and totally healthy.
The truth is that perfect well being is natural, normal, and the reality of heaven now, where we all live and move and have our being.
Thanks be to God.

Peter Daniel
Scarborough UK August 2014


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